Sunday 13 November 2011

5 weeks to go!!!!!!!!

Well here goes with another update, mid november and the sun is still shining and today the temperature has been 17 degrees and therefore a good day to introduce Honey to her new home.   She spent several hours exploring the house and garden giving it her seal of approval!!!

Since my last post,  Alan and Charlie with John have been forging ahead with the decorating the Screen room has been finished along with the lower ground floor maltings. We have opened up the window seat unfortunately no interesting finds however it now lifts up easily.

Rolf and Jordan have also been busy they have fitted the new roof light in David's study.  It proved to be challenging in case the glass fell out and went flying down to the pavement below. It has improved the room making it not only warmer but cutting down on the traffic noise

Rolf and Jordan started forming our en-suite bathroom, dressing room and airing cupboard, this is the last area to be transformed, we have exposed quite a few more beams as can be seen above.
Colin has been 'happy' using more lime plaster.

We had a visit from Douglas Kent from SPAB last weekend and on Wednesday Bruce Munro and
 Jim ( Essex Architectural Historian)  visited Myddylton Place.  Both visits were very helpful Douglas advising us on restoration of the old floorboards and the sealing of the floor bricks.    He was also very interested in the lathes exposed in the en - suite bathroom which are not very uniform and rather large.  He believed it would help date the property again 15th century and Jim on his visit confirmed this.  Jim helped us date different parts of the house believing the panelling in the screen room to be approximately 1740 and may have come out of Audley End, certainly an interesting thought!!

Well as I said 5 weeks to go which I am sure will go quickly however as long as the Kitchen appears very soon feel pretty sure we will be fine, we are hoping the weather remains kind to allow us to continue at this pace. Although the heating is now on in the morning and the evening and appears remarkably warm.

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